Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The Eternal Journey of the Soul

The Eternal Journey of the Soul
Channelled through Pat Grabham

The soul who has loved will always be able to look and see and be aware for it rests and remains not only upon the Akashic Records but upon the imprint and pattern of that soul’s heart centre. The very core of its existence will and does resonate with love that has been known and experienced through the aeons of time.

Such moments can be tuned into, recognised and remembered during the dream and astral travel journeys and whilst in meditation or higher attunements but also upon return to its divine home in the heavenly worlds that soul will be enveloped and sustained forever by those bonds of love felt and experienced through the centuries.

Many different climates and eras has the soul traversed during its innumerable return journeys back to planet Earth and each life lived will have added to the richness of its tapestry and will be as spiritual jewels within the soul who will have left behind with each life lived past memories of Earth unless the soul is one of those who is able to look into glimpses of past lives.

But as we would say mostly when a soul who is consciously aware of spiritual matters - the belief in reincarnation and the return to its divine homeland becomes aware that such knowledge exists - it becomes conscious that what is relevant in the dream of its soul is love in the wider concept than one to one – for it has touched the Source thereby setting in motion a pattern for future lives where the soul felt and experienced and went beyond the personal love which has such expectations by so many in today’s times.

The true spiritual seeker – upon the search for remembrance – wishes from what we see is so to tune into and re-live not lives where beauty, richness or fame was the case but rather we say the true seeker of spiritual remembrance and attainment seeks and wishes to remember and attune itself to those lives lived where spiritual work and connections were made and formed and re-lived and where the Light of its spirit was clothed in the Golden Rays, Light of the Creator and where as that soul today looks back in fascination, joy and interest, it sees lives lived in which spiritual steps were not only taken but were stepped upon and footprints of divinity left behind.

So yes often the soul has left no lasting notes and signatures as it were of glory and fame which people living today can read about but the true joy to the spiritual seeker is that remembrance that they not only made a difference to others’ who walked and journeyed with them in one Earth life or another but that in the process its soul and inner being was in tune with the Infinite.

The Creator blessed and thanked the returning soul upon arrival to its true home in the divine spheres.

The paradise of the heavenly worlds welcomed and will welcome the soul on its return with hearts full of love and joy at another life having been lived as that soul will have lived and followed the Divine Plan of that Earth existence for upon its sojourn upon the Earth that planet far from its beloved home the soul had been aware and able to attune itself on subtle and less so levels of that higher awareness which is available.

All true spiritual seekers who wish not only to understand the mysteries of Creation but in so doing to leave their footprints behind which upon arrival back to its heavenly home will as has been stated add greatly to the happiness and light of the soul.

At some stage as and when the soul chooses – its Earth journeys lovingly undertaken to help raise its vibrations and assist in the higher energies necessary for planet Earth will come to a natural cessation. Each soul is different – all vary not only in the plane of their initial existence but with the time of their exit from the continuing eternal journey of the soul – or as is so often said – the cycles of Earth rebirth come to an end.

At this stage that soul has other essential and necessary journeys to help raise the spirituality of the Earth plane but at this point that soul can continue to aid and assist the Dream and Plan of the Creator where all human life is raised in consciousness.

Memories have been awoken, remembrance experienced as younger souls have been shown by example of how much more there is in the Great Plan of the Godhead than just that one Earth life.

In its turn the well-being of animals and other life forms will have been lovingly helped by humans and so they will have been aided in their own steps necessary to the return of their rightful inheritance planned in the Divine Mind of the Creator.

All will be as one. That one-ness of life eternal and that great understanding that one cannot exist without a love and awareness of and for the other for to be separate means that soul is not truly at one with The Father and has not understood the Great Dream Planned in the Divine Mind – as stage by stage all life would be raised and love and attunement felt and accepted as the natural true being – at-one with the Cosmos – as the Holy Grail of all existence has at last come into its own.


20 September, 2012.

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