Thursday, 16 January 2014



Love is but being on that wavelength of God. It gives, not criticising or demanding anything in return. It is loving but impersonal, knowing that possessiveness is a weakness, jealousy a lack of evolvement; freedom to another the only love which matters, for love flows through all the particles of that being, growing and stretching in ever expanding waves of colour and light towards those beautiful spheres forever bright, so that like rays of colour, each plane of being helps another towards true awareness of that pure and undemanding love of the highest dimensions, knowing that realisation is but an expansion of love, an increased consciousness and wonder of God.

Love cares and guides, inspires and nurtures; it asks for nothing for in that giving the soul comes into its own – it is home and wishes for nothing else than to serve without beginning or end.



25 January, 1986.

Pat Grabham

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