Dreams - Channelled through Pat Grabham
Gradually as the soul trains itself with a little time and effort it can become expert at becoming awake at just the right time during that dream - astral travel experience.
The soul will find it suddenly wakes up, that dream is still vivid in it’s mind so by writing down that dream experience in full detail there and then, colours, sounds, content, context – giving a complete overview of that experience not forgetting to write down the day, date and year, which helps – the soul will gradually build within its stock of dream experiences many meaningful dreams which trigger an often un-remembered event from ages past bringing it to life.
Although there can be dream experiences which take place at that present time - it can help to build up one’s own personal dream dictionary. For instance dreaming of a well known person or someone who is well known can often indicate that dream experience is recent today so it can be worth remembering that aspect of a dream and thinking what exactly if anything does that present dream have to teach.
Once a dream which that soul feels is important to itself has been written down the soul will find re-reading it enables that dream experience to be relived; even years later those memories of that experience are still there vivid and true.
Not only does the soul meet loved ones known through the centuries but the dream experience enables steps of initiation to be undertaken, experienced, wherein many useful tests of the soul are carried out which in it’s turn leads to higher development of the soul.
The soul will soon learn to distinguish between dream and sleep experiences which are mundane to those of benefit and importance to it’s inner being.
During the dream - astral travel experiences not only does the soul meet up with guides, teachers and loved ones, takes steps of initiation but learning is also taught, often higher aspects of spiritual awareness so that the soul within its sub-conscious memory has information and knowledge which would not normally be there.
Gradually at times those teachings can seep into it’s conscious mind and thought processes and this is often where ideas and inventions have come from.
As the soul becomes more proficient in remembering it’s dream experiences it will have learnt to use all it’s senses taking in everything around it in a brief moment in time for it will have learnt very quickly to remember all that is important and that becomes second nature and helps the soul ascend back towards it’s homeland and makes in the meantime the daily earth life happier for the soul is aware of more than just the physical earth world and that is a lesson which will have lasting benefit for the time ahead.
So for those whose wish it is to remember and be able to retrieve those dream experiences it is all a matter of saying to your angels, guides and teachers that yes, you want to be made aware of those events - journeys through time and space to yet other planes of existence wherein once again the soul has freedom and is free to soar above the confines of the earth to more beautiful places high above this land of it’s birth.
22 July, 2012
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