Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Channelled through Pat Grabham

Rebecca was lost in her own thoughts - walking along well travelled paths she paid little heed to what was going on around automatically saying hello to the odd person she met on her way.

For she had left the crowds and was walking towards her favourite spot - having walked a good half hour and at last she felt her thoughts calm down for out here all the hassle and frustrations of the day receded into non-existence she became one with God once more which to enable her to keep on going she needed space, time, peace, and so she sighed taking deep breaths of the morning air for it was already very hot and she sat down at her favourite spot by the well. This well was not used constantly like the others in her village but it existed and water was from time to time drawn forth.

Here she had many conversations to herself both real and imaginary; indeed, she also had some of her most profound experiences for she saw many spirit people and she communicated with them on several levels the main one being that inner silent voice and these times were very precious to her.

So lost was she in her meditation and contemplations that it came as a surprise to hear a man's voice speaking so slowly and quietly that Rebecca wondered if one of her friends in the spirit world was talking albeit in a slightly different way but suddenly realising this was not so she opened her eyes feeling a little disorientated which was not like her for she could open and close her meditations very quickly if anybody came.

Standing in front of the well and in the process of drawing water Rebecca saw a dark haired man quite a few years older than her for being just 17 he would appear to be around 30. He was dressed in the usual clothes which the male members of their community wore with sandals but he seemed to have travelled a long way for his clothes were dusty and he looked as if he needed some refreshing water.

He had a very dark skin and blue eyes which looked at her warmly. He had a small beard and hair parted in the middle but swept back off his face. ‘Let me do that sir’ Rebecca said ‘you look as if you have travelled a long way.’ ‘Yes, I have’ the stranger said ‘thank you.’ Wherein he proceeded to sit on the ground and close his eyes.

Rebecca felt strange for she was so used to the men in her village gossiping and talking non-stop that it was so soothing to have a man not wishing to talk that way.

Having got the water up from the well Rebecca felt strangely compelled to kneel down beside him, saying ‘the water was ready and would he like her to wash his feet for that would be relaxing she felt sure?’

The man took sips of the cool water without speaking but then to Rebecca's surprise he suddenly laughed out loud with joy and said ‘yes he would appreciate it and that his name was Nathaniel.’

Rebecca smiled with warmth and joy somehow feeling all her cares and burdens lifted away blown with a breeze which was non-existent. Rebecca gently and carefully washed Nathaniel's feet noticing how beautiful they were although very dusty from the roads.

He must have walked for days she thought and must be hungry but taking a lead from him for his eyes were closed and he was silent she did not speak.

At last having washed the stranger's feet and dried them with her hair which though in a knot she loosened Nathaniel opened his eyes and smiled with such sweetness that Rebecca's eyes misted over and she felt very young somehow.

Nathaniel said ‘you are’? When she had replied he said ‘Yes hello Rebecca I thought someone would be here for it so often is the case.’ Where upon Rebecca looked at him strangely what an unusual statement she thought I wonder who he is.

22nd March, 1988.

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