Hi everyone - Welcome to my website, Pat Grabham. It's lovely to have your company. Full details are shown in my Home Page. Love, light and blessings, Pat ♥
Friday, 31 January 2014
Channellings 2014 and 2013 but for complete list see under Labels
Channellings posted for 2014 and 2013 are clearly seen as a list.
The Blog Archive shows my writings. However for a complete list of all these, see under Labels just below where they are all listed in alphabetical order.
Not all channellings have been posted with my latest channelling at the top, as some of my writings go back quite a few years. I also regularly post a blog, sometimes going through all my writings on a rota basis and these can be seen separately under their headings.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Thoth, The Atlantean, Egyptian too: Guardian of the Akasha & Threshold, we love you.
Thoth, The Atlantean, Egyptian too:
Guardian of the Akasha and Threshold, we love you.
Channelled through Pat Grabham
Bathed in green, purple and gold, all the colours of the spectrum, glorious to behold. Keeper of the flame of eternal truth.
Travelled have we through time and space to planets not of our own. The ether welcomed us with open arms; as one by one or in groups we levitated through time and space to different spheres and planets other than our own.
The universe opened up its mysteries; the key to the Akasha was read by all – those Records of Creation gave us their blessing and always through the aeons of time since, to be tuned into and remembered with great shouts of acclaim.
Some will hear the universe speak – vibrations of sound and colour upon the ether of Light.
Long forgotten promises made through time, re-surfaces once more - it begins again. There is no stopping now – remembrance is in full flow; those vistas are shown, we feel so blessed.
Countries we have loved, places remembered, are no longer a dream; all can be seen to reflect upon and experience the delight of the spheres; our homeland has opened its doors.
Priest of Atlantis, he walked with us, talked and laughed as we all grew; safe in his presence, beloved to us, pure was the vibration of his name.
The universe bestowed its blessings upon us all as we ventured forward with no fear at all.
At the fall of Atlantis, he led us far, a long way from home and that Great Star.
We arrived in Egypt still in that Light, which The Father Himself had blessed with all His might. A new country was there – new people to meet, secrets were buried; how we wept for the pain of the world at that point in time, so far from home and way down the line.
The land of the Pharaohs’ – still yet to be, became our new home from Eternity.
Those secrets of Creation we took with us became shrouded in mystery for later adepts. Only those who held the key were able to understand and open the Key of Creation.
Pyramids were built not just for us but for the future of man, woman, to know they were blessed. Signs and symbols became the norm; Chambers of Initiation came into being; none but the brave and pure in heart were able to unlock the universes’ heart. Doors were locked but not carved in stone, just as the pyramids were built as a reminder of home.
Initiation in all its forms came into being – till that day when our work was done.
We left for the Heights once again, to share and give of our love to those who care, so their vibrations are raised, the door is opened – that key to the Mysteries unfolds its blessing, till that day still to come, when once more The Father and us are as one.
The universe sings its song to all of Creation, who belong to the wonders of the universe God Created for us to feel blessed, as we bathe in that Essence and Great Light from on High to which our soul feels pure delight – peace reigneith supreme – no end shows itself, only Eternity beckons, bliss is within us.
Amen, Amen, Amen.
21 August, 2012.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
The Aquarian Christ
The Aquarian Christ
Channelled through Pat Grabham
The Aquarian Christ waits on the etheric plane, a mission which has taken centuries in its planning and conception.
During the Piscean Age, preparations were well advanced in the spiritual spheres for the New Age of Aquarius and the Aquarian Christ.
The Aquarian Christ comes from an extremely high plane and for those who wish to work with Him, negativity must be erased as the Aquarian Christ works only on a Positive Ray – Light, of Vibration and Sound.
The Aquarian Ray, Light, is the Blue Ray – Light, a colour of great beauty and magnificance. The Blue Ray has within its endings the gentle Aquamarine Ray – Light, as they belong together, and strands of Aquamarine are always to be found within the Blue Ray, Light of Aquarius and the Aquarian Christ.
The work of the Aquarian Christ is to raise the vibration between Earth and Heaven so that the soul at death upon leaving the Earth, leaves behind him, her, a great Light so that those who watch upon the Earth plane see at that moment of death - as the soul crosses over the bridge to those loved ones and guides and angelic beings who wait to go with the newly departed soul, a being of Light.
However, there is much to be done for that state of being is far from being here.
The Aquarian Christ comes clothes in blue; the Blue Ray – Light and the Aquarian Christ are enveloped completely in blue, which, if you would look at this great being, all you would be aware of is of a Great Blue Ray, Light of Vibration and Power, awesome in its completeness.
The Blue Ray, Light of the Aquarian Christ is of such purity that a great deal of clearing away of the debris needs to be addressed and activated upon for those who wish to meet up with this Great Being on the Ethers of Light.
The Aquarian Christ resides on a Ray of Light of Great Positivity, nothing negative can get through to the Plane wherein He waits.
Once these steps have been taken and worked upon that Positive Vibration, then peace and higher awareness comes to the soul’s innermost being, and in so doing, that soul has remembered home.
For the Aquarian Christ goes back to the dawn of time, that Great Being to whom the soul gave its pledge and love. Promises were made, vows as well, that at a far distant time and place they would meet again and spread the spirituality and truth which the Aquarian Christ brings upon the Etheric Plane of Light.
Stage by stage, as the soul tunes into His Essence, memories will resurface, lives long lived, when they lived as one.
In the divine spheres the soul walked, talked and shared moments of bliss; joy was felt as the soul was bathed in the Radiance of God-The Father-Mother-Son, and within the orbit of the Spiritual Sun, the Power behind the Physical Sun.
As the soul is able to readjust its radar, tune into the Blue Light, Ray - of the Aquarian Christ, then it is automatically transported back to those aeons past when it walked as one, lived as one, and was blessed indeed by The Father-Mother-Son. Within the Third Aspect of the Trinity, rests the Progression and Ascension of humanity as the soul not only goes back to it’s beginning in those glorious days, but is then able to Ascend into future worlds of Light – not all of which have yet been born.
It will take no time at all for worlds to be born for they have been aeons in the Planning by The Creator; and all it takes is sufficient people to remember and raise their consciousness so as to be able to attune itself to the Divine Mind, when, those Plans held for the moment by The Creator will be put into operation.
The time draws near, the Aquarian Christ waits, resides within the Etheric Planes of Light. He waits there for all who can hear His Call.
Being able to tune into the Blue Light, Ray - of the Aquarian Ray and the Aquarian Christ will help with the attunement necessary, and also raise the vibrations of the Earth.
Ask Him also to draw near so you can be aware of His Essence and Vibration on the Planes of Light.
1 September, 2012.
The Aquarian Christ
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Friday, 24 January 2014
The Amethyst Ray Light and the Blue Aquamarine Ray Light
The Amethyst Ray Light and the Blue Aquamarine Ray Light
Channelled through Pat Grabham
The Amethyst Ray, Light, beautiful beyond compare as it is, remains, without the Aquamarine Ray within its orbit – vibration, incomplete as to its origin in the dawn of time.
The absence of one without the other, can be likened to an eternal flame, incomplete as to how it was when these two Rays, Lights were created dual, but able to separate at will, one from the other.
The qualities and attributes, aspects of the Amethyst Ray needs the Aquamarine Ray, Light, for complete balance and inner harmony – thence will the spheres sing with joy at the marriage feast being born again in the spheres of Light, in which there is no night.
It can be beneficial beyond compare to the depths of each soul, being able to tune into and visualise together at times, both the Mighty Amethyst Ray, Light, and the Aquamarine Ray, Light, (but belonging to the Aquamarine Ray – Light, is linked also the Blue Aquarian Ray, Light, for the Aquarian Ray, Light, is of a deep vivid bright blue, but where it touches an individual, will often have strands of Aquamarine). Therefore, it is difficult to be aware of the Aquamarine Ray, Light, without at the same time being aware of the Great Blue Ray, Light, of Aquarius, and subsequently The Aquarian Christ.
To be fully aware of the Aquarian Ray, Light, means an inner awareness of the Aquamarine Ray, Light, they are indivisible, one without the other.
The Aquarian Ray, Light, and all that concerns it, is of incredible purity.
Those who would serve the Aquarian Christ will find purification of themselves on its many levels will be carried out on all planes which at the end of an Earth life, will have ensured that much higher learning and attunement will have taken place, so that upon the return to the spirit realms it will have proven invaluable on many different levels.
23 August, 2012.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
The Cosmic Christ
With Suryananda and Saranyu.
I am the Light of the Eternal Sun, forever with you all.
I am the Light that came into being that all may find rest in all the innumerable planets, planes, spheres, universes, galaxies, stars, and Ancient Atlantis which were brought into existence from The Godhead.
My Rays stretch out to infinity and beyond, to worlds within worlds which rest within the Divine Mind of The Godhead, but which have not as yet been made manifest.
Through the vast ages and cycles of existence reaching back millions of years there have travelled into the different universes, planes and spheres of being, and very much later, Earth, spiritual ones who, by their Light, love and devotion to The Creator, have been blessed by God as being One who is a ….. Cosmic Christ.
A….. COSMIC CHRIST is one who has attained great love, understanding, inner awareness, and who is able to transcend both time and space. Able to control with their love that which is, and also to attune themselves with the thoughts of The Godhead to such an extent, that there is no separation; they are as One – One Thought, One Mind, One Dream.
Thus can we see how great is the thanks, given in all their planes and spheres of being which all life, human as well as the different life forms Owe to A……COSMIC CHRIST.
As The COSMIC CHRIST Is, and has His Being, He is aware of the Totality of the Cosmos and that God The Son Himself, that Third Aspect of The Trinity of The Godhead, mentors and communes with Him daily, for such is their special bond going back as it does through all the ages of time without distance or end.
The Cosmic Christ works under different laws, it becomes The Cosmic Law which is in accordance to the Highest Law Structure of The Trinity.
The Creator thanks them all for their work, for their guidance and inspiration as through their great Light, such also is generated for the well-being and progression of all.
Connected To THE COSMIC CHRIST, We Have THE SPIRITUAL SUN, Which Is the Embodiment of God’s Thought’s Made Manifest.
In the future much knowledge and teachings will be brought forth on the Spiritual Sun, a philosophy not yet known or revealed to man, woman.
Beloved are they who have listened to My Voice, to all the Nations and Peoples’ therein (so saith The Lord).
Beloved of The Trinity, and At One with The Spiritual Sun.
16 November, 2012.
Saranyu is my Twin Flame, Divine Consort, from Divine Paradise.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Ezra and the Golden Rose Spaceship
Ezra and the Golden Rose Spaceship
Channelled through Pat Grabham - written 1989
The etheric spaceship had lain suspended in the ether for quite some time; there it would remain for the Master and his devotees had much work to do. There was a quiet anticipation and optimism which was generated by them all.
Their group under the Atlantean Master, called here Ezra, which was a name from a later life, had been together doing their work for a long duration of time. They all had their different tasks to see to under the guidance of Ezra, who was of such beauty and light that his devotees adored just being with him and helping man, woman, to grow.
But that was not all they did, for upon occasions the spaceship would travel to many other planets within and without the solar system for such was their scope and range there were no planets which lay out of their reach for their mode of travel was as old as time – suspended in the ether and even time.
They could travel backwards into the far distant past or forward to events and the pattern of life still to be experienced. For before Earth life has its fruition of developments of great importance the web is woven long before upon the ether and suspended in that dimension, until gradually that happening becomes reality, and this is how it always has been from the very dawn of life itself.
Going back to the birth of Atlantis, this was first experienced through the ether. Etheric life in all its beauty and Light existed and such was it that it compares to nothing like today. In those golden days, God The Father-Mother-Son did indeed walk amongst created life, albeit divinity. Those beings of light and realisation knew the joy and wonder of being at-one and truly a part of the Godhead, for His Light inter-mingled and was absorbed in all of their etheric bodies to such an extent that they were part of the Spiritual Sun; the way was open to love and be as one with all God’s Kingdom which even in those early days was of a beauty not remembered or felt today.
All of the great teachers and Masters prior to their Earth arrival which came into being aeons of time after early Atlantis had had prepared for them their pattern and web of life for that woven thread, albeit so fine is stronger than the thickest rope for it is woven of the spirit - of the very Essence of God.
There are many etheric spaceships suspended in the ether in numerous places and planes of existence each with their own task and job to do for the development of man, woman, and other life forms which exist.
But here we are interested in this spaceship under the Mastership of the Atlantean Master, Ezra.
The Golden Rose was the name which had been given to the spaceship aeons of time ago for that name was of special importance to God and to those early spiritual beings of Ancient Atlantis. This rose was offered in service and praise to God in the beginning of time – for many journeys did the people of that time make – on each occasion being led by a Master Initiate, where they would leave their Atlantean Temple with all its beauty and light and go down into the forests in small groups looking for this golden rose, and always did they find new blooms upon a tree not previously picked from.
This golden rose was perfect as no rose today can be for its existence was due to a specific purpose and plan. The Kingdom of God lay in its petals and it shone with a light which today exists only in the spiritual spheres, for in those early days of such brightness and glory, the veil between God and spiritual man, woman, was but a loose covering.
So when the group of devotees returned to their homeland high above the Earth plane carrying with joy these golden roses, the High Priest would lay them as an offering and thanks to God and from these roses would come even greater power and realisation for they were a part of God’s Divinity with His children and a symbol for the future which would act as a reminder to those who had lived long ago, and would re-activate the portals of memory and realisation from those golden days when God and His children were as one.
The Golden Rose Spaceship was known throughout the many planes of existence for its crew had travelled far and wide in its many missions undertaken in God’s service and indeed the Golden Rose was shaped just like a rose and golden was its light and colour, so that upon close inspection one would appear to be looking at an enormous golden rose bathed in this golden glow and shining with all the beauty and Light of God Himself.
There were no harsh lines, all was harmonious and natural. Harmony was the keynote of the Golden Rose for such was its mission that no discord ever existed within its golden presence.
All those who served the Master Ezra had been chosen for their diverse attributes. Each attribute blending beautifully with another and all being essential to the whole pattern and framework of its purpose and existence.
From a vast distance back on Earth it could at moments seem like an extra special star but it was not - it was much more than that for it had descended from Divine Heaven through many planes of existence and was a tribute to the wonder and glory of the Cosmic Christ.
As one entered the doorway of this Golden Rose there was an archway throbbing and pulsating with tremendous light and power decorated with many angelic beings and angels, each being glowing with all the jewels in existence. Emeralds, rubies, sapphires, diamonds, turquoise, jade, ivory, alabaster, marble, so it went on, so that upon entering this spaceship, all
energy from all these created wonders would emit their ray and rate of vibration giving off created energies unknown to even one’s most creative imagination. With this scene which was before one there came the sweetest sound upon the ether of angelic beings, so subtle but pure that it always gave great joy to all those who entered therein for they were taken as if on golden wings to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Going through this archway, one went up seven steps made of the purest white stone which had ever existed, and this stone with its pulsating light took the entering soul back in time to Ancient Atlantis.
At the top of these seven steps one entered a large room curved as in the shape of a rose which was a reception room for lots of activity took place there. But as you entered this room you were drawn to numerous golden roses, living created life with all its accompanying greenery, so that you were reminded of the symbol of the spaceship like a magnet. These roses seemed and indeed did so, talked to you for they were impregnated with the very Essence of God Himself and through God’s symbol of Divinity would come knowledge, inspiration, and above all peace; the ability to be anywhere at any time. To know what was happening in all the planes of existence at any given time. Indeed the Akashic Records could easily be obtained from the heart of these golden roses. (Many aeons of time later, these golden roses would rest upon the Ark of the Covenant.)
Not that knowledge and realisation could not be found without these roses but they were a part of the plan and came joyously with the crew and Ezra to help God’s Dreams to come true for the well-being of all life and Creation.
The floor of the Golden Rose was of this beautiful white stone. There were beautiful white statues along the walls of the spaceship, each statue being a sign of praise and adoration to God full of His rays of energy, love and power.
There were an abundance of sofas and arranged on the walls were beautiful pictures done by a Master of their art – each one being a living created essence of some scene or place from their homeland high in the spiritual Heavens which was yet another powerful reminder of home.
Apart from the roses there were an assortment of growing plants and flowers of various exotic blooms giving wonderful colours and perfume – all the many colours of Earth and then some not known to planet Earth. These were towards the edge of the room in clusters and groups, and there were also miniature trees of apple and orange and spiritual fruits on trees not seen upon the Earth. From these trees replenishment was had and a rejuvenation was experienced in but a matter of seconds. Once the fruit was partaken of another fruit would come immediately to fruition so that these trees were always as they were when the Golden Rose departed on its journey from the divine spheres.
From out of this reception room were what looked liked windows but quite unlike those of Earth. They were of a lighter and different substance compared to the walls of the spaceship and through these could be seen life and all its innumerable forms in al the planes of existence. The Heavenly realms could be seen as could the Earth and an awareness and attunement to the occupants as and when necessary. This was not their only way of seeing into another dimension but it was always there as a basic necessity.
Concealed by some of the various statues were white doors at the back of the room within the actual walls, and there were seven doors, each one led to a room of some kind or into a passage-way, which in its turn led to another room.
Three of these doors led to general rooms used by all the devotees, and the other four were special types of rooms each of which had a specific purpose.
The first of the three doors led to a healing room given over to the art and development of in-depth healing. This room was a beautiful blue and all the colours were co-ordinated in these lovely shades. There were lots of blue flowers and small growing shrubs all in wonderful toning blues, and the ceiling once again was blue with angelic beings in various symbolic form.
There were a total number of thirteen chairs laid out in a circle and at the top of the chairs were sculptured various healing angels and Planetary Gods connected with healing. The very top chair being slightly more ornate in its decoration of angelic beings. This was where Ezra sat. All the other devotees had their own chair which they would sit in except from time to time when the Heavens moved they would change seats, all except Ezra, who always sat in the same chair.
There was a large circular table in front of these chairs once more in a beautiful shade of blue. In the very centre there were always flowers of different tones of blue. Many were there not known to the Earth world.
Upon the walls hung an assortment of pictures. There were several of the sea, bright blue was the water and blue the sky, so that if someone on Earth saw they would wonder if it was just a picture – but there were just such places as these beyond the Earth.
One or two Masters were painted in oils and these were full in length and a joy to behold. They were there for a special purpose for these particular Masters had raised the dead to life and yet more. They were dressed in brightly coloured robes but the predominant colour was always blue.
Around the edge of this healing sanctuary were bookcases and shelves and many spiritual books on all possible matters connected with healing in an advanced state still to be realised upon the Earth. Indeed they were spiritual books which had never been read in the Earth world.
The floor was of a bright blue marble stone inter-mingled with a kind of violet and lilac and from the floor came forth tremendous healing power and light. It was as if you stood with all the lights of a whole town around one, so powerful were the vibrations.
At the far end of this blue room were placed dozens of lighted blue candles upon a blue altar inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones in all the different variations of blue.
At the top of a couple of steps was a large screen. This was used to read the Akashic Records and see into the past or present and at times the future. It was like watching a film and this seeing into the very essence of time was a form of service often used to great effect.
At the opposite end to the altar was a sofa with lots of cushions – slightly raised from the floor which was used as a resting place for restoration of healing energy and as a sofa of rest if ever the devotees needed to re-charge their healing energies.
The second room leading off of the reception area led to a beautiful golden room which was a room given over to knowledge and the development of the mind and intellect for the well-being of human life which comprised many stages of awareness and attunement to the planes of light.
This room seemed to smell of roses and other such fragrances and there were many yellow flowers, shrubs, and once again, miniature golden trees placed around the room.
Here there were an abundance of pictures of one or other of the different Gods of the Planetary Systems, one being bathed in a golden aura of light and energy.
In this room also was a picture of the Master Jesus painted by angelic hands, un-painted by the hands of man or woman, and it drew the person seeing this time and time again for it is how in essence all people on Earth would like to paint – with the eyes, ears, and senses of angelic beings capturing that essence of the Heavenly spheres which those on Earth cannot do.
Apart from this larger than life picture of the Master Jesus were two slightly smaller pictures but still full in length to each side of the main picture. These had the Master in movement, and as one looked either to the left or the right, it was as if He Himself was talking to you for it was a living created energy of movement and light which belonged both to the past, the present and to the future. Sometimes as the devotees looked to the left or right, they were able to be transported back to Palestine, and then even beyond that to Ancient Egypt, and back to Ancient Atlantis, for the Master Jesus was an important light way back in Ancient Atlantis, and all of his devotees had met Him then long before that life in Palestine.
There were several sofas in beautiful golden tones and right at the end of the room at the top there sat a pair of golden doves - living created life in all their glory. The golden dove was a symbol of Divinity, and went back to the earliest days of Ancient Atlantis and was connected in essence with the golden rose which was searched for in the forests. These golden doves were male and female, and were given the joy of serving God’s messengers in a way which many doves would love to have done and indeed over a duration of time would experience that delight of serving God for these doves too had their duties to perform just as the devotees, and all the flowers and golden roses, for nothing did not have a purpose or a job to do.
These golden doves rested upon a golden tree with an assortment of spiritual fruits which they would partake of from time to time just as the devotees and Ezra.
Behind these golden doves and the tree there lay a Golden Throne – clothed in glorious gold and yellow and filled with all the colours of the Sun. The Power of the Eternal Son lay within its golden glow and during times of meditation and quietness the devotees and Ezra would stand around this Golden Throne and attune their minds, souls and spirits ever more to enable them to receive Divine inspiration from God Himself.
These were times of great joy and blessings and from time to time God Himself returned to that Golden Throne where once long ago He Himself had sat, accepting the adoration and homage offered to Him during those early days of Ancient Atlantis when the world then was indeed blessed as no separation existed, no barriers or veils were there to take away the Glory of God, and so this room with its golden doves and golden tree and Throne was a very special place and had the very Essence and Light of the Father God Himself. It was as if the whole world could rest forever in that space for within its very Essence and Orbit it contained all – everything that ever was and will be lay within its presence; The Cosmic Christ was born again and again, time after time, throughout Eternity.
16 February, 1989.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Joseph of Arimathea
Joseph of Arimathea
Channelled through Pat Grabham
The group of pilgrims made their way up a hill; they were so happy at this joyful task they were undertaking and there was much talk and laughter now and again.
The group of a few stopped, others had gone on ahead but as the young woman looked at a particular statue to which she was drawn, she knew without doubt it was Joseph of Arimathea.
She looked at the statue with love and devotion, lost in a kind of meditative contemplation unaware of what was going on around her.
All of a sudden she had a huge shock, albeit joyous to her system, as – still looking at the statue of Joseph of Arimathea it suddenly came to life and she was looking at this great being from history.
It was like a thunderbolt, so awesome and powerful was the experience, a happening not like anything else she had experienced, and she had had some very special and meaningful ones.
Joseph of Arimathea looked straight at her – she lost count of how long – she was in another time and place which later when away from her spiritual friends and companions she remembered Atlantis. He was beloved of the Most High and she served in the temple and became a much valued and loved person.
Later in Jerusalem he played an essential and vital role in the life of Jesus, and his assistance was invaluable after his death.
She was only too aware of the part Joseph of Arimathea had played in her life during that incarnation and it was indeed one of her most treasured lives for the great love and spirituality which was, and for those spiritual jewels which were forever blessed deep within her soul.
Yet again Glastonbury, he too played his special part. All such special and spiritual lives shared together so that as she had looked at this great being whose statue she knew it was - within that short time-frame as so often during her life, she knew this being had walked side by side with her throughout so many lives and would in dimensions and worlds not yet known.
The lineage of theirs had its origins long ago and nothing would or could ever erase what was and would always be throughout life and Eternity.
Today he still stands there upon the planes of love and Light ready to offer his great assistance, which, with that love, affinity and attunement, is open to all, not just to that woman standing in front of that great being all those years ago.
Time does not dim, inner memories are always there, nothing can take away those great bonds of love and highest devotion – it is a never ending line stretching to Eternity and beyond into future worlds still to come.
The woman carried on with her spiritual search in the many years since that statue of Joseph of Arimathea came to life, and often in quiet moments remembered much that was to all intents and purposes hidden from history.
For much has happened and rests upon the Akasha, those Akashic Records not all can read but as the years go on more and more will.
Joseph of Arimathea has had so many deeply essential lives lived where his Light affected others - raising their consciousness and attunement to the highest spiritual realms where memories have so often been awoken, remembrance has taken place, for Joseph of Arimathea has always had a most special task to undertake throughout the different centuries which had been foretold in prophecies so long ago going back to Atlantis and that golden age in the dawn of time.
For Joseph of Arimathea was truly a Priest of the Most High in Atlantis. His Priesthood stretched far and wide throughout the land for all who lived there felt beloved of him, and The Father-Mother-God-Son, when the people lived as one.
They drew breath from the great being known then to all, for never were they far from him.
Today, as it has always been through the aeons of time, many people have that great love and affinity to this mighty being, and as vibrations are raised, old, forgotten memories begin to surface, and long ago promises and lives so often shared seep into many peoples’ consciousness as the way back home becomes ever more clear.
Those steps back to The Father are joyously undertaken and at each new frontier of knowledge and memories realised - that key of Eternity is further turned whereupon those vistas shine with golden sunlight as the Holy Grail is seen again.
The pilgrim has once again returned home to a planet other than Earth, and joyous is the welcome received to the one who has returned; past, present, future, are all rolled into one magnificent memory and awareness as the pilgrim comes into the Radiance of The Creator once again in ways long forgotten but so lovingly remembered here.
4 September, 2012.
Joseph of Arimathea
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Ray Children
Ray Children
By Pat Grabham
Those ray children who remained in spirit and never reincarnated upon the Earth plane – did they I wonder test themselves, their faith, their love, their strength for and to God The Father-Mother-Son and The Father King by travelling to other planets and stars within the galaxy of Eternal Creation?
Did they like us leave our homeland and journey to spheres of life wherein they too would learn and know how they would react away from the great love and haven of our home.
Indeed perhaps they sought out the stars and planets unbeknown to us here on Earth and spent great periods of solitude and isolation to undergo their own inner being experiences which would both illumine and enlighten not only their own souls, but other existences, some more advanced than others, but always less spiritualised than themselves; some entwined within one aspect and sphere of existence and others just in infancy.
To go where no one had been before would take great love, strength and courage, for to take those first steps requires inner and outer love and humbleness as that virgin territory is explored and illumined further by the Sons and Daughters of God.
Through the aeons of time since us Dhumans began our descent to Earth, surely our fellow brothers and sisters also experienced tests of the soul; not because God wished or wanted it, or even The Father King asked for volunteers, but because as they saw and were aware of our own journeys time
and time again and our experiences, so too did their souls need to leave home and branch out into new and unexplored regions also.
So although the two structures of existence since Atlantis differ, yet are they of a similar vein, for to leave the haven and safety of the beginning to venture out far away also took great love, strength and humility, as they too would and did feel alone – isolated and far from home, but through the spirituality of sleep when we meet once again our ray children brethren, we both learn and understand from the other – the experiences and lessons, joyful and sorrowful which the Sons and Daughters of God have gone through and so the saying goes one and the same but not has manifested itself, together but separate, for truly there is no separation – just a veil which separates us and which is no barrier, for where love exists there is no veil – just a greater understanding and awareness of those experiences of the other – such is true love, which is why upon the Akashic Records of Life such knowledge and information exists, lies waiting as gradually not only are the veils transcended but God has allowed such knowledge to be given to humankind.
For knowledge gives hope, strengthens the weak, refreshes the strong, heals the sick, for true knowledge can only be a great privilege and blessing, for to be granted such truth illumines and uplifts the soul to its true heritage and once again wherein lies memories of the roots of its being and the plan of its future.
Thus knowledge is a gift from The Father, for where such truth resides there can be no darkness only Light, for there is no other way, option or thought that the soul in its awakened awareness and understanding can be except in greater and greater Light, illumination and love. Humbleness and devotion are a part and parcel of the very Breath itself, for the Son and Daughter takes the same Breath once again as The Father as it did aeons ago.
Therefore with love and joy do I know, understand and believe that although my pathway has been different to my brothers and sisters who reincarnated not upon the Earth world, yet so it is and will be that their experiences are mine and mine is theirs, which with the true love and adoration of my soul and spirit makes this so; for we are one and the same, but we are not, together but separate, until as we each complete our circle and pathways – we meet once again at the point of Alpha and Omega, for have we not been here before? Another time and place – a different dream which also came to fruition as we all aspire and remember that which is and was.
3 September 1996.
Ray Children
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
The Seven Symbols
The Seven Symbols
Channelled through Pat Grabham
'The seven symbols my children are a vast great subject. They have been since the beginning: At the end of each era, each life: At each new beginning and ultimately they are a part of you all – as you will find as you search for more, for did you not see them once before, a long time ago my children – yes’?
‘Why seven signs you may ask: Why seven colours? What is the purpose of each symbol some of you want to know: The time is not right yet for it all to be explained: Although one day you will know more for do you all not have a symbol of your own that is forever a part of you.?
‘Do you wonder if each life lived is guided and charted by one of those symbols? Does not that affect one’s life? Yes. Do you feel my children you’ve gone through them all? Are you now complete? Even though that knowledge is buried so deep – do not weep for it is all there you know and has been since the beginning of time: Did you not see any Masters’ my children at that moment of life – did you do you think see more? Did you hear music from out of the stillness – such a beautiful sound:? A flute playing, perhaps - an angel and a harp:? The utter tranquility and beauty, purity and love – all were there at the beginning of time were they not.?
‘Do you think you and your Maker met each other once that time my children so very long ago? Would you have liked just the two of you and then you would have met us all…. Is that not so my children? For you see dear ones we’ve all met before you know from the very beginning – that first spark of life; do you not find that easy I’m sure to know we have all met before’?
‘Have I not said I know you well: I’ve watched you all grow and what joy now my children I see before me for you know you’ve all met many times before: You grew together: You all learnt from each other: And what about your other teacher my friends – do you not know you met before – so many lives, all those times long gone: Was there not a reason do you not think? Or perhaps that’s not so you feel:? Or perhaps he was there at the very beginning, for was he not there amongst us all as we sat with all of you? (Yes)?
‘We will leave that to you shall we not. Blessings to all of you our dearly beloved ones.’
‘God bless you all each and every day.’
12th July, 1983.
The Seven Symbols
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Remember mine own the promises you made
Remember mine own the promises you made
Channelled through Pat Grabham
Dearest beloved’s, I come to speak to you again just as I have through the aeons long gone and as I did mine own in our golden land where we laughed and loved in our glorious Atlantis.
You all volunteered to help Our God as we would descend to Earth to help those there. I spoke to you all, I was clear and precise with what it would mean taking on the body of Earth – so far removed from our bodies of Light.
The very essence of Our Father flowed through us all as we sat and talked and gave thanks to all.
It was joyous for my beloved and I as we saw your faces smiling so bright as you wished to share our journey away from the Heights.
Everyone was able - too many had volunteered but instructions had been given to me by the Godhead of what exactly it would all entail, as we would descend to Earth – that new planet where so much needed to be done for its inhabitants to see the Son. The Sun they knew for it gave them warmth, their crops to grow thus life to evolve.
My beloved and I we talked for many a day in the time of Earth. We reached that decision which Our Father blessed and thus we read out those names of our beloved brethren to whom would follow Evam and I as we descended down to Earth far from our home.
Those early years were difficult and hard as we had to come to terms with bodies no longer so light. As time went on, when life became too much, Our Beloved Father gave us rest as we rose once more to times of refreshment before returning again to Earth’s evolution.
The cycles of time came and went dearest beloved’s and still we toiled on planet Earth. Gradually we saw greater light in humankind and happy we were as God’s Plan began to unwind.
In the meantime dearest beloved’s our brethren from the Heights were there always to send us Light as we travelled further and further from our golden plane high above in the Heights of Atlantis.
We saw them in our dreams as we attuned ourselves back to what was and had been but which all too often the veil of Earth had wiped clean.
The days of Earth went on…… civilisations came and ended. A time came when our initial work had been completed; then we had to help to refine those far from the Sun.
Gradually more and more saw how it was and wanted to be as they saw how we were; thus began that refinement aeons ago – as step by step humankind moved up – forward into that Great Light. They were not left alone, others went down – through the ages of time they were Heaven sent.
Even beloved ones, our brethren from the divine spheres did not always hear with their inner ears; the tears of Earth had got too much in the way for them to be aware of what was so.
Those promises were given to me long ago back in our glorious Atlantis when you and I and my beloved, volunteered to help Our Father to show love and devotion to those not of our race as we looked always at His Holy Grace.
Today memories are returning, the time draws near when visions will be shown, Creation understood…. and thus as thy memories re-awaken and remembrance dawns that joy is felt from our brothers and sisters as you take up those promises made to me long long ago – way back before recorded history.
Each of you are different; your attributes and gifts, qualities and strengths will vary. All have a role to play as you remember that Covenant made with me and Our Beloved Creator who loves us all.
Look out for visions of strange and unusual times….. places unknown to your thoughts right now. Listen also for my words to you, time and time again as they will begin to be recognised, acknowledged and understood.
Think not beloved ones how strange is that as memories return of days long gone when we were as one beloved of The Father-Mother-Son, from whose very Breath our Race was born.
Adam El Daoud
The Father King of the Dhuman Adamic Race
(Known also as Ptah, the El Daoud of Atlantis).
12 November, 2012.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Just as a flower or blade of grass only sometimes glistens with dew
Just as a flower or blade of grass only sometimes glistens with dew
Channelled through Pat Grabham
Just as a flower or blade of grass only sometimes glistens with dew that sparkles and catches the eye, so too is the soul of man, woman, not always the same. Sometimes there seems nothing there to see but then a time comes when there is so much beauty and it is a source of delight to behold that person’s beautiful light.
So as the flower and the dew that person also is born anew; so many times in other advanced spheres – so much is there then to see for all manner of emotions have come and gone; selfishness and greed have ceased to be and peace and love lies therein and God you know calls out-loud to that person and the two are like love’s great dream for their souls now sing a sweet refrain as that path is set to take that being home.
For now that soul loves not just in a romantic way but all life as thoughts of love and hope go out to all to help the world overcome ill-will and to bring God nearer to those previously unaware.
For warmth must meet with warmth eventually and even unloving people will one day change for their path has just taken a little longer. But all one day will see that bright White Light of Divine Power and Greatness too for nowhere else does that soul go once that spark has been ignited and realisation has set in and God and that love for all life in all the many dimensions becomes its aim.
From here-on the soul has truly remembered its divine heritage and has accepted that until that stage had been recognised and acted upon it had been living in a twilight world but now it had joyously become aware of the Light which exists throughout the galaxies and could see those steps taking it back to The Creator and to that golden time when it had lived and breathed as one with the Trinity and all those angelic beings and enlightened ones in whose footsteps it would now travel.
Lovingly from here on that being begins its journey home again as memories resurface as had happened innumerable times before. This time though the soul felt that knowledge and awareness would remain and what joy that was to its weary soul.
11 November 1983.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Take my hand that is always there for I do so care
Take my hand that is always there for I do so care
Channelled through Pat Grabham
Take my hand that is always there for I do so care. Take courage and strength from my love for thee as together we go forward with He.
What steps you take so once did I; what words you hear, so also heard I; Those things you see long ago - I saw too. For I have walked, seen and heard all that which man, woman, will or has known for did I not pave the way for all people to walk down and for humankind to realise every path has been lived before in many ways.
For did not Our Father once walk that way for He would not let anyone walk where He had not been; travel or go through aspects unbeknown to Him. For we all one day will follow His Dream as I attempted to show by my life lived on Earth long ago.
The road is indeed long and at times painful and can be at moments lonely too as all who walked felt that at times; but they all came through each and every one. All those Masters who have led the way to enable the world to get to today and tomorrow.
Who will lead them then? Many will - or how else will humankind pass those tests that have been pre-set by God Himself – world with end.
9 January, 1984.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
When I die what will I find
When I die what will I find
Written 1997
When I die what will I find - I will miss those left behind; lots of tears as I return to those loved ones I knew before I was born. Joy and sorrow, pain and laughter will be with me as I'm again looked after.
Never to taste rebirth, but will I have achieved those dreams I dreamt which were so painstakingly planned before my return to Earth to do this and that but what if I could not, how will I feel once more as I see that record of my life as I tune into my Akaskic Book, facts and figures, distant dreams were all a part of my life to be, but I'm afraid I won't live up to Thee.
Long ago memories, lives long since lived, which once again are no longer hid, for my vision it sees all that which once was, and has been, and I have to re-tune my life to that to come, but how can I not follow The Son.
The Sun itself gives of its best, and so as before I feel so blessed, so I look to the future, the past is within, for to go on now is the purpose I've seen. My life begins again and onward I will go whilst at the same time I await those on Earth who once more I will know when their time is ended and a new journey begins, for step by step we will travel as we once more go forward to tomorrow.
If only those left behind could see how very easy the future will be and how close are their loved ones long since departed for at some future time and place never will they be parted.
Sometimes I feel my life here is a dream, nothing is quite as it would seem, there is so much unseen, that if I knew, would help my having been.
Returned did I to that difficult planet Earth which so many times have I been since my birth. Blue, purple, yellow and green, just some of the colours at my birth to which ever more belongs to that golden time when The Father and me were as one.
My Ray carried me down as it had done before much more than I thought from all the folklore, but at my ending my Ray will carry me away far and above the stars and way beyond Mars to a distant and far off place that is my home and from where this next time I shall stay, happy and bright to see again that Light - my homeland does beckon, there is no going back, but I only worry about what I did lack and how many of my dreams became reality - was my mission and plan a success?
Today it is too early to say for tomorrow has to come a thousand and more times.
So each day is planned in one way or another which I will share with my sister and brother as they guide from above with humility and love, for they will know before me and so will be ready to greet my return home however quick or unexpected it may be as their eyes and being see much more than myself for those veils are still there even though I do care - keeping me sad.
Time may be a healer to ease my pain, but what if nothing ever seems the same. For age it has come and I am far from The Son and my journey seems hardly to have begun as I look back over the years of my life since I entered this world of both joy and strife and I am left once more with just an emptiness that even time cannot quite erase.
But I must go forward strong in my faith, positive in my belief that there is a right time for me however much it may appear not to be, that one day, one place, I will once again be aware of His Grace.
The joy of returning will give renewed strength, and so I will go forward once again to The Father - for at last those veils are removed and I only see The Sun.
The Son and The Father together they beckon, while my Father and my Mother so too do they glisten; the steps towards home are stronger and brighter, nothing can hamper my view, and that is a wonderful hue, of love, light and remembrance, as I journey before arriving once again Home.
Pat Grabham
3 March, 1997.
Pat Grabham - Star Seed
Reiki Master-Teacher, Spiritual Channeller.
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