Monday, 30 December 2013

The Light Bringer

The Light Bringer

Channelled through Pat Grabham

Through the many aeons of time there have been many light bringers - those whose light ensured others were inspired and guided even if at times unbeknown to themselves.
The light bringer I am drawn to here is Melchisadek the light bringer going back to Atlantis, that golden age, but when darkness had set in amongst certain children who once were of the light - indeed they were born of the light but envy and jealousy and the wish for power had overtaken their Godlike qualities and attributes to such an extent, The Father King of the Dhuman Adamic Race, Adam El Daoud, had called out in despair to God-The-Father to send him someone he could trust completely of the light.

El Daoud was thrilled and delighted when God-The-Father sent to him Melchisadek; at last El Daoud had another light bringer he could trust and he felt his burden of responsibility was lifted greatly knowing he had someone to help eradicate the darkness which had taken hold of that once glorious and wonderful homeland of Atlantis.

Melchisadek, since those early days of long ago has been a beacon of light forever shining in the dark but amongst the light too - his great light has encouraged, strengthened and given hope and inspiration to others less so, thereby others having met Melchisadek, they too, grew and became stronger themselves giving off that light reflected off of and from him.

So you can see through the ages, yes, there have been many light bringers but Melchisadek was one of those first few whose pathway has been somewhat different to the usual Divine Plan.

Through the many centuries wherever Melchisadek has been that light of the Creator has been more evident – the time and people blessed with the beauty of his presence; a light almost unequalled through the aeons of time.

Today many people tune into Melchisadek’s great light – he is there for all who aspire and have those highest qualities necessary to be a servant of the light, a light bringer, although none of them are quite as Melchisadek the light bringer - one of those very early bringers of Divine Light, the quality of which so many of us today are striving to find, remember and enlighten not only ourselves but others as we all take those steps back home to The Father-Mother-God, Adam El Daoud/Daouda and back home to those glorious days of Atlantis when we lived as one light, breathed as one, loved and glorified The Creator who walked amongst us.

Those times are being remembered, those inner memories have awakened as one by one those veils are removed and that panorama of what once was takes as always our breath away, just as it has done through the aeons of time.

Where is Melchisadek now – he is everywhere. The light of his presence permeates and surrounds us all even for those who feel no hope at all.

Call upon him to uplift and sustain you and light as a feather his presence will be there in tune with The Father, His angelic helpers and all those beings who we knew and loved through time.

They are all there, light bringers united, with one communal aim to uplift and sustain God’s children whilst far away from their homeland but which day by day those veils are removed - hidden memories are pushed to the surface.

It is no coincidence how great is the light today amongst the darkness for there are more and more light bringers each day searching for that Golden Ray, the Holy Grail beckons and is like a magnet - that pull of home is irresistible and step by step upward initiations are undertaken and experienced and in so doing the earth world becomes purer and lighter as the effect of so many light bringers aim for the stars.

Every time we touch something or say words when we are full of light it resonates and remains there on the ether for the next person, people - to be influenced, albeit often unknown by that light and energy left upon the ether by those of the light who have left their mark and vibration where they walk – talk.

But to go back to Melchisadek one of those very early light bringers known as the light bringer is one of the greatest joys of all.

His essence is there, it is everywhere. He guides us through time and space and what bliss to see his face. His presence sustains and uplifts, brings joy and laughter - why can’t we all be as he, tomorrow.

So let us remember dear ones when we use that word the light bringer just how powerful and meaningful it is. The sound upon the ether reverberates with that deep love and affinity as one by one we all want to me as Melchisadek -the light bringer.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

21 July, 2012.








1 comment:

  1. Thank you, dear Pat! Love & much Light.

