Sunday, 29 December 2013

Ariah, High Priestess of Osiris


Ariah, High Priestess of Osiris

Channelled through Pat Grabham

(High Priestess of Osiris, speak to me – tell me what do you see?)

End of Question

As a very young child I asked my parents if I could go into the Order of Osiris. To them it was an honour – a daughter of theirs who wanted to serve Osiris, beloved of us.

I had many visits with my parents to the Temple of Osiris as it was known to a few.

The high priests and elders asked me lots of questions and as was the custom going back to Atlantis, what was of special importance was my aura. My ray of vibration and note upon the ether of Light.

As the high priests and elders of the Order of Osiris looked into my deep inner self and soul they decided that yes, being a high priestess of Osiris was the path chosen by my soul long ago in Atlantis.

What was a deciding factor was my ray of origin and aura. Being born on the aquamarine ray and thus having predominantly a blue aura was something of great attunement.

Osiris himself you see is of the Blue Ray of Origin, although Isis, beloved to Osiris and the rest of us not only in Egypt but Atlantis was herself born on the Amethyst Ray of Light and Vibration.

Thus the two rays, Aquamarine and Amethyst once again, being a dual ray, a ray of the highest frequency, meant just as Osiris and Isis were one, so too were we who undertook our duties which in reality was a work of great love and devotion and was to us a great honour to be of service.

There were many of us from early childhood on who regularly undertook visits to see the high priests and elders in the Temple of Osiris.

At that young age both boys and girls went but as the years went on we were separated for reasons explained to us.

The boys would be high priests and us girls high priestesses of Osiris, which by their very nature, each role would be different.

However to us high priestesses of Osiris we were blessed to meet at regular intervals with Isis, beloved of Osiris.

Although Isis herself had her own priesthood and beautiful and divine was it to see, in reality as I have explained, what was taken into account in deciding whether to be a high priestess in the Order of Osiris or Isis came down to the ray and origin of our soul.

The ability to tune into the same high vibration of Osiris on the aquamarine ray would prove a fundamental necessity in the many tests of initiation which were undertaken at the Temple of Osiris.

Although as mentioned the aquamarine and amethyst rays are dual in origin and can merge and become one, or as was more often the case, separate at will and remain as a ray in it’s own right.

The complete attunement experienced on all levels from a soul born on the same ray would enable much inner mystery work to be undertaken and accomplished.

It was a very joyous time. We, the high priestesses of Osiris loved our work. We undertook the reading of dreams. We were considered a sage – a seer; we saw into both the past and the future. We learnt again of the mysteries of Creation which for many of us had long been forgotten.

We were taught about life eternal, the flame of eternal light which was forever lit in the Temple of Osiris gave to us further understanding and inner awareness of the mysteries of Creation.

We spoke to beings from long ago. We loved to listen and look into the Records of Creation. The Akashic Records were shown of how, why and what for - the meaning of Creation itself.

Thus privileged with such great knowledge and understanding such was our joy as we not only undertook steps of purification and initiation into the higher mysteries but in so doing we became ever more in tune with God The Father-Mother-Son and a glimpse of Paradise itself was shown to us.

It was joyous for us high priestesses of Osiris to meet from time to time with Isis. Sometimes both Osiris and Isis shared moments with us which would forever live on, hidden too often in lives to come.

But there will come a time well into the future when those inner teachings will begin to surface gradually – step by step in small insights at first but with that constant wish for that hidden knowledge - more and more memories of lost teachings will return.

I hope that is of help in answering your question?

Ariah, High Priestess of Osiris, from Long Ago.

2 September, 2012.


  1. Very interesting dear Pat Suryananda. My belongigng was with Isis group of 11 woman around her wisdom and beauty. I am not sure if I was her daughter , but anyway belonging to the Inner Circle of Isis. Sentia Zilla was one among us. There is one of our shared incarnations ♥ These memories unfolding in meditations are very precious for me. Thank you for the channelling and for reminding me of my belongigng to these ancient egyptian Temple of Isis memories. Initiations we got by then are activating today again. Goddess energy is very strong within my Being. High Priestess or not...much cherished knowledge unfolding. Love and remeberance ♥ Deva Celeste ♥

    1. Dear Deva Celeste, thank you for your comments. Much appreciated. I am aware of your deep connections as a High Priestess - Priestess and understand this is deeply profound for you on many levels. I am aware that Osiris took Etheric Lighted Conception 18 months or so in preparation for his Role in these New Cosmic Times, as has been recognised by some of us. However, we can still tune in and remember Osiris in his Egyptian role, for like all Ascended Beings of Light, those bonds of love are Eternal. Namaste. Suryananda. ♥
