Sunday, 31 August 2014

Memories through time (written 17 November, 1983)

Memories through time, (written 17 November, 1983)

by Pat Grabham


Neither man or beast can destroy one, for only The Creator in His infinite love and divine wisdom could truly do that, and of course He never would or has. Although for an hour, a few minutes, or at times even years, man - woman’s inhumanity can seemingly utterly destroy a life, we would say with great truth, the soul never can be destroyed.

It can, and does indeed get down to a truly dreadful state, but always beyond doubt, one day every soul becomes aware at some point of an inner need, a longing, a dream perhaps not even known to itself, but which is ‘pure spirit’, for that small part of man – woman is Divine. Although only at times alas does it seem to show in some, but nothing can ever take that part of God Himself away because that belongs to The Trinity and never can it be broken. It can lose contact, fail to meet, but only until that particular person’s soul has remembered in quite some considerable degree, divine love, intuition, spiritual aspirations, whereupon that part of divinity within grows, gathers in strength, in love, in wisdom, in realisation, and in so doing that small part becomes a great part of that gigantic whole which encompasses and is The Creator.

The more that soul now reaches up high, more light does it truly see, and wisdom, intelligence, compassion too, becomes at once a part of him – her, that will forever stay like flowers on a beautiful lake, so calm and still for ever more.

That soul searches back into its mind and deep within its soul to that Source from whence it came and that hunger, so it is released, and always does that soul look for more food - for that very Essence of life of that Divine Godhead, and so towards that time long ahead when The Father and it are One, as with the rest of those great wise beings whose devotion, care, love and compassion for all things, human, animal, vegetable, mineral, and for the whole fabric of life itself has, and will be, that bridge which leads to Eternity, which is you know a magnet, just as was planned and so ordained, for that soul will never quite be at peace till that wheel of rebirth has ceased, and it is now free of those unseen chains, and a part of and at One with that Great Cosmic Sphere, and whereupon at that person’s stage of great spiritual enlightenment, attunement, it has and does, hold all life in its hands in pure and perfect love towards all life.

To the very biggest as it would seem to others, and to the very tiniest particle - element of all, for all are there to be loved, and so those animals, trees, and the very grass itself, all hum with incredible beauty, for all are encompassed in utter love and harmony, and within such great love, you know, all other spirits so too they progress and grow, change, and take on all those aspects that The Godhead has devised in His Plan, His Dream from oh, so long ago.

It is true, that the worlds are changing - raising their vibrations, especially Gaia at last, as that Wheel of Divinity reaches ever higher and higher just as was pre-destined. The higher and more enlightened spiritual ones, so they prepare the way into virgin territory, thus setting new paths for others who have not reached their higher consciousness and realisation, and so, as the Worlds themselves peel back their layers which have remained hidden for far too long, new heights and goals are accessible which The Creator had made available for us all, and you know, so very many have reached Nirvana, that place that is Eternity, but they stop not and forget the rest for why else did they succeed in arriving Home again.

For you know, once we all lived in Nirvana or Paradise, and a time most certainly will come when all - everything has returned back home again, back to that Godhead from whence we all came, and never will that soul then slip back again, for would you, if you could see – say - I’ll take that path of darkness, when instead there is that Great White Light of Eternity, of God Himself, no, you would not, and so, one day, that is what all man - woman, each and every one will see - that Whole Panorama of Galaxies and Worlds within Worlds, each one lending itself to ever greater awareness, understanding and peace which surpasses anything experienced by that returning soul, for upon arriving Home, Home has risen ever more to yet seemingly unknown heights, depths, and so joyously and with eager expectation, the soul prepares itself for new and yet more wonderful journeys beyond distance or time, for time has ceased to exist, it is but memories of long ago, of far off places and peoples which are as real to it then for that soul is now conscious of the purpose and plans of its destiny, and is now at last able to let go knowing that all those pathways undertaken and experienced have led to this moment – for now the Apex of the Pyramid has been reached and those memories which had been hidden for so long are in full remembrance, and that has been the goal of so many life-times and journeys through the pathways of its soul.

Pat Grabham

17 November 1983

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