Saturday, 30 November 2013

I Stand Before the Throne of the Most High, One Million Years Ago


I Stand Before The Throne Of The Most High
One Million Years Ago

Channelled through Pat Grabham

I Stand before The Throne of The Most High One Million Years Ago as our Beloved Creator thanked us for our great service in His name.

As I stood there with my beloved brethren, with the Elohim of Creation, the Archangels, Angels, Divine Hosts - in full humility stood us all, as we bathed in the majesty and great love of all.

Battles had been fought and won as we of the Dhuman Adamic Race and others from different dimensions not of earth, had fought and won as we of the Light - through great adversity had won as we came from The Sun many millions of years in ages past.

The time-scale went before our thoughts as we stood in praise of our God. We remembered how at that last battle between the forces of darkness and Light, wherein which we had triumphed and how they, whose darkness we stopped - their ability to invade others, was ended…. We remembered I knew, all of us, as we stood before The Throne of The Most High, how those beings had been sent to another and new universe not as then inhabited. It was to ensure that their actions would no longer impede the continuing journey of the Light.

Their universe far into the deepest space, was very very cold. Therefore our beloved Creator had given them bodies unknown before for they had to be able to withstand extreme adversity in many many degrees below freezing, for their karma meant for them, their new universe to be lived in was far from the Sun whom they had tried to disable with their lack of light but of course this was not possible, nor will it be so. The Sun exists and is invincible.

Our Father during their duration on this new planet far away into the deepest of space had decided that due to their vast debts incurred against the light, that they would be denied the gift of parent-hood. In their universe new birth would not exist, all would be as they arrived as adults over many hundreds of years, giving them plenty of time to repent.

The beings transported here through the Will of the Godhead were both male and female and different ages. They had to hunt for their food in the icy wastes of their universe - fish and marine life was indeed plentiful as was water. However, it was a vast and barren universe and great was our pain as we saw how they would be so far from the Light.

There came a time when the Creator decided they had experienced such for sufficient time, so many of us of the Light who had volunteered in God’s service to assist these poor souls were called upon to hold out our hands in loving service to help them to evolve back into the Light.

There were many brightly coloured space-crafts we enjoyed at times. This was in addition to our mode of levitation. It was just that some distances were vast as we visited the other planets and planes of the Godhead in the many universes which existed.

The day arrived and we of the Light were ready for it had been a long time in coming this day. In this our mission of service to the Godhead it was decided that it was too much for our beloved twin souls (female) to travel alongside us males and so they were left behind but were there with us to communicate with blessed messages from them and our Father thus helping us as we carried out our mission of Light.

As we set off on that far off day - we all remembered so well how it was. We, beings of Light, not only from our Dhuman Adamic Race but those from other planets of Light departed in an assortment of brightly coloured space-crafts, these differed to spaceships for the spaceships served a different purpose and were huge compared to the space-crafts. Piloted by one of us at any time, he was able to look into the grandeur of the universe into millions of stars and planets as we passed by in a stream of the purest Light.

With us as we undertook this mission of mercy were the Elohim of Creation, the Archangels, Angels, Doorkeepers, Spiritual Guides, all went with us, incorporating as it was, all the Mighty Rays of God’s Creation.

As we set off there was the great hum of angelic voices singing in praise to our God, the beauty was such as had never been heard quite as that coming as it did from the very Heart of God. For He wanted those lost souls to return back to the Light.

As we neared this new universe, not new in the sense that it had only come into existence but new with the inhabitation of people, we dimmed our lights as did also our blessed helpers, all of us were as a pale shadow and were thus not noticed as we glided towards our destination.

Us beings of Light got out… our beloved Hosts who had travelled with us began to disappear into the mists of invisibility, so anyone seeing us would not be aware that we were not alone. However we knew and how happy that made us knowing we had such support from angelic Hosts from on high and all we had to do was to put out a thought and in but a moment, we, as they would be, would be invisible to human senses and sight.

We had been given the necessary gifts needed by those in this universe with the help and support the Godhead had deemed as being necessary. Therefore, as we walked together in two’s and three’s from different places on the outskirts of their universe we would generate no interest to these inhabitants wearing as we did the self same clothing supported by them.

Time went by….we knew we were not alone but felt so very far from our beloved Home high above the planes of earth in the highest of the golden realms of our Beloved Creator.

There came a time when one by one someone seemed to acknowledge us on a subtle level and we could see the glimmer of light begin again. We carried on still in contact with our beloved Hosts whom had undertaken this mission with us on behalf of The Creator.

So too were we in contact with our beloved Twin Souls, our Eternal Flames, who it must be said found it very difficult knowing where we were. But daily we communed one with the other and thus we were greatly helped in our mission.

Suddenly we were told that enough light had been re-generated with those on this universe and our Creator was well pleased and said we could plan our return Home back to our Beloved Atlantis, Venus and the Divine spheres, and for our helpers - they to their own planes and planets of existence which was beautiful to them as was ours to us.

Our return journey was a joyous one… the angelic Angels and Hosts sang in praise of our Beloved Creator whom we loved above all else.

The journey did not take long for though the distance was vast we in our brightly and much loved space-crafts were Home in no time.

Much was the rejoicing which carried on and blessed did we feel as we met up once again with our beloved ones and those in our Homelands from whom we had been away for too long.

We were all called to The Throne of The Most High and thanked by The Creator for our work of Light in His Service; thus did our thoughts remember how it had been. We were just glad that the Light had prevailed over the darkness and that Light and harmony reigned once again.

Till the next time, when through the different ages those of the planes of being - ensuring that those who wish to be helped, are.

Thanks be to our God, Beloved of us all and to the Mother-Son also and El Daoud, the Beloved;  the Elohim of Creation;  the Archangels and Angels, Hosts Around The Throne and all else who gave us their love, help and support in such a time of great need.


Sun-Ray, Beloved of The Sun.

13 November, 2012.

Lord of Sirius, Lord Ra ...

Lord of Sirius
(Lord Ra, Keeper of the Flame of Eternal Truth, and of the Sun)

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

Greetings beloved ones, it is with joy I come to speak with you today; so much is happening, many huge changes are taking place and the earth and all the other planets within the mighty universe and smaller universes are also undergoing great upheaval and refinement. These other planets have not had the need for this as the earth planet. However, refinement and less solidification is a good thing for it takes the planets and indeed earth, ever upwards into the golden spheres of the Creator from whom all life and planets and universes have originated from.

Daily we see from our worlds of Light the mighty rays which you on planet earth send out to the worlds of Light and also into the dark corners where you, as individuals feel your Light and the Light of the Creator is needed… And so it is dear beloved ones and for this I and the Creator along with all the beings of Light within the Divine spheres and other planets thank you. Your work has been helping to heal not only earth but the Light generated by you beloved ones has been transported into worlds not yet even in existence.
There will come times in later years when much further knowledge and awareness will be known. For now it is enough that we in our worlds thank you as we work together for the higher Light of earth and its peoples; many of you go back to Sirius and other planets and planes within the universes.

Sirius was a planet as were others which existed alongside the Ray Children back long before recorded history and then even further back. Such information can only be accessed through spiritual teachings where attunement and insight and awareness takes place.

All of the higher teachings are available… all can access. What is a pre-requisite from the Creator is the reason and wish for such. If it is a part of a person’s blueprint then these teachings will have a huge chance of coming to fruition. Therefore, beloved ones listen, listen, listen – to that inner voice which can be found in the stillness of your being… for it is the voice of the Creator speaking to you. Trust your judgement; do the words ring true – are they full of love. Love is the keynote of our teachings from the highest dimensions - if love exists then you can be more certain we are there.

Of course there are indeed today many planets, spheres and planes within the solar system… not all are accessible. It takes a certain amount of ‘faith’ that such is the case and even more knowledge that there are teachings which exist upon these different planets and spheres above earth which have been in existence long before planet earth came into being.

What are planets…. planets are aspects of the Creator’s Mind… they can be likened to stepping stones upon which the true seeker of God has travelled and will travel thus learning and seeing the many wonders which God has created for all life and for the well-being of the whole – God’s dream in reality made manifest to all.

In the early days the different planets and spheres in existence (long before planet Earth came into being, many, many, aeons later) were all in telepathic communication with each other. We were able to levitate from one planet to the other. Thus was this our mode of travel and today in planes above earth this still happens. Levitation in those days of great Light (as in the spheres and planets above earth even now) meant we were able to have that freedom which today on earth has been hidden - far too long for many of you - for with freedom comes joy… joy at the simplest things made manifest which transports the spiritual beings of Light to spheres where that high attunement and love exists. Like attracts like… so just as you are drawn to many different spiritual teachers through the ages, so also the planets in attunement with your own love and essence are there for you.

The beings from Sirius as with all life originated from the Creator but beings born into and from Sirius did not come from the Breath of the Creator as did the Ray Children of the Dhuman Adamic Race. Instead for them their lineage comes from the Archangels…. The attributes, qualities, aspects - which are a part of their being concentrates on the mind but with the mind comes love…. for mind without love is as nothing. The love aspect takes the being from Sirius and aligns it with the Archangels who work with the mental aspect and Rays of the Creator. Thus at the end of this earth life when the beings from Sirius return Home so also does the Sun (Son).

The Children although adults of Sirius have been given a particular aspect of intellect which resonates on a certain frequency of the Creator. Many children (adults) from Sirius descended as did beings later from other planets, apart from The Ray Children, known as the Dhuman Adamic Race who were the first beings to descend from the Heights in Atlantis to offer their services in the great work to be done upon raising the consciousness and Light of Earth so as to become similar to those other planets of great light already in existence in the Universes of the Godhead.

These beings like others from planets other than earth feel all too often we are aware far from their Homeland. For this we thank them as does the Creator for their work is of great assistance to The Trinity of Father-Mother-Son and later Daughter, Twin Soul or Eternal Flame of God The Son that Third aspect of The Trinity of The Godhead - of all life Eternal.

Upon Sirius exists all the colours of the spectrum with so many tones and hues all within each individual Ray that it is glorious to behold.

As the two aspects are fused and become as one – the mind, the intellect and love, then the children of Sirius have unlimited insight into the Mysteries of Creation.

Archangels are of course not only connected with Sirius. Our beloved Archangels and Angels are beings of Light who are able to transcend time, space and densities far from their Homeland within the very radiance of the Creator.

Depending on the different colours - the children, adults of Sirius have been given, denotes the work which they are destined to complete. Each colour, Ray of Light, has its own work and love it has been destined to achieve for the Creator. All are equal. Two sides of the same coin, just different qualities and realisation will come to the spiritual seeker of Sirius as it remembers its true heritage and destiny of the work it has undertaken to do for The Godhead.

Memories are returning and many more will do so as the years go by.

Therefore, again, we would like to thank you as ambassadors of the Light in all the work you are doing for the Creator and for the well-being of all life in all the many planes of existence - in Worlds beyond Worlds.

Lord Ra, Custodian of Sirius, Keeper of The Eternal Flame of Light and Truth sends my love and blessings to all who read these words….. I Am That I Am….. I am He whom the Lord has given dominion over all Life and Worlds, Planes And Planets in existence now, which exist, as well as New Spheres which will come into being as the Universe, Universes, become ever more refined and etheralised taking these planets back to the Creator as was His Plan many many aeons of time long gone.

So much is happening today - those wheels of change have been aeons of time in the planning and conception. Nothing has not been envisaged or considered, thought out or understood….. All is as was inevitable. Even with freewill, the time draws near, the consciousness of humanity has become more spiritualised and the life force within – remembered; All that which is and which with love and devotion will be able to be accessed…. That is the gift of the Godhead to you beloved ones.

Thy will be done….

Lord Ra, Keeper of the Flame of Eternal Light and of the Sun.

Au-Revoir beloved ones, I will communicate again with you.


9 November, 2012.



Friday, 29 November 2013

Daughter of Osiris

Daughter Of Osiris

Channelled through Pat Grabham

How long it has been through the aeons of time daughter of mine as we have journeyed through time.

I come from a far off land to speak to thee oh beloved, through the layers of time and space. We weep not for thee - for we all do see thy journey has begun as you have seen the Son. The Sun glides by to all who can see, have ears to hear and love for He.

Memories lie dormant thus will they surface; you are not alone - we have the key as we reach out to He.

How we have shared innumerable lives amongst planes of existence way beyond Earth. Each life we have gone hither and thither - levitation being our preferred mode of travel.

Those bonds of eternal love so they are fed, ignited further as we are led… into New Worlds which rest - hidden within our Father’s Breast.

Great is His joy as He sees thee glow free from the veil of another Earth birth.

Planet after planet they wait for thee as you fulfil your destiny.

Thy birth sign dearest beloved is thy special key to the remembrance of God’s Mysteries. Just as I, hold in my palm that golden Ankh you so understand.

For back in time dearest daughter so do we go, in tune with the Infinite Creator of all that has been, is, and will always be.

The cycles of time move slowly forward into New Worlds of being as those veils of the Godhead are shown to us - we who are of His Breath. But not only us can be at His side, all who have become one will know they are blessed.

Thy many lives lived in the higher planes of being as well as Earth with those wheels of rebirth, have given thee beloved a vast storehouse of memories which thy soul has access to, as it retraces its steps to that apex of the Pyramid where we will be waiting at that golden day when our daughter returns home from exile.

Such is Earth known to us in the Divine spheres so far from our homeland in our fair and Golden Atlantis.

More and more memories so they surface for all; they are so accessible and can be found in the stillness of being.

Layers of time – what are they – just another key to be opened as the soul returns home, which, as the opening of the key becomes easier - the doorway to the Mysteries glows with joy as the two remember…. all they were told from days of long ago when we lived in a plane far above Earth.

Beloved child we are with you always - no one can separate our deep, deep love. As a child of mine you will always be so deep within the very soul of me.

Thy mother too, sends her love to you - the passage of time has not stopped that bond, never broken throughout the journeys of time; nor will it be. Instead if it is possible those bonds of love have become an invisible thread. There For eternity but not seen by all for like gossamer light it shines so bright, stronger than the darkest night – as it seeks always to envelop those dark corners of Earth as our light and energies transcend time and space as we follow His Holy Grace. Travelling in footsteps long ago walked and avenues not thought of as we hear His Word.

The Voice of The Creator blesses us so as we all bathe in His Golden Glow.


12 November, 2012.




Channelled through Pat Grabham

There he stands in all his glory, filled with majesty and splendour.

His light shines so bright - it fills me with delight.

From a vast distance he beckons, my soul says yes to all that he asks. One day when I reach the other side of life, after a while, having seen family and loved ones - there will come a time I know when I will feel a sense of loss, if he is not there.

I know he could see me, albeit for a brief moment in time but until I have arrived at that place wherein he resides, my goal will be still a long way off and that dream but a speck - for where he waits is the Kingdom of Heaven, that doorway to Eternity which when I reach, so will I know him more but in the meantime, my soul waits, listens and adores that beauty and light - which without there would always be night.

To see but once is not enough but then perhaps I meet him in those dream states when yes, that memory is revived of those long ago days in the very beginning of time - which my soul searches once more to find and so there he stands like a signpost showing me the way, for I have no other option than to follow wherever he leads - for that is the key to Paradise and fulfilment of all my dreams.

I have spoken so often I know to that love of my life and indeed shared many memories of far off days when the world was different to today.

Indeed he was a Father to my youth, an inspiration to my innocence - the be and end of all things resided in his very presence, so is it any wonder my soul will never be able to rest completely till that time comes when once more he and I are one, just as we were in the Beginning of Time.


The Immortality of the Soul:

The Immortality of the Soul:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

From out of the circle which made up its Ray of Origin, the soul came forth in a blaze of light, energy, power, female following male, two as one - that complete spiritual and soul partnership which, through the aeons of time, would lead so often to separation and a pain, a feeling of being alone - something seemed to be missing.

At the end of each cycle of rebirth when the soul returned to its spiritual home, being able to meet up again with its twin soul, brought about complete at-one-ment, love and affinity, not experienced for many an earth year.

The soul has freedom, free-will, but this has meant time and time again, the door to The Creator seemed closed, for memories were lost through the centuries of time.

But in those early days, that was not the case. Memories were still strong, awareness and love for God The Father-Mother-Son, was remembered. Psychic faculties were in full play and with it, life, although removed somewhat from The Creator as to how it was since that first birth, was still vastly superior in its acknowledgment to the essence and meaning of existence.

However, as gradually more and more earth lives were undertaken, those memories of home gradually faded.

Many aeons of time later, souls are desperately striving to remember that which once was known, for only then will it feel at home.

It is not a case of learning and being taught new things - 'immortality of the soul' is a remembrance of what once was.
The soul once again is able to achieve, remember, and hold, that Divine Connection, whereby knowledge is retained once more as the soul reaches up to the pull of home.

Immortality can be likened to that wheel of rebirth ending, awareness and realisation has taken place and the soul lives no longer in the physical.

The different planes/aspects of consciousness remind it of the beauty of what once was, and will be again.

The soul recognises its Divine purpose in the plan of existence, accepting and welcoming the work it wants so desperately to do, and now is the time to listen quietly to God's love and devotion.

Each soul has its own unique rate, tone of vibration and note, which leads back personally to God. No two are alike, not even twins.

The note each soul sounds upon the ether is individual and unique, one of many millions, it matters not. Upon each soul's personal note, sound-ray of vibration, guides and teachers and loved ones through time, know that sound, and are a part of that in but a second. In fact, many loved ones are daily a part of a soul's note, sound upon the ether. There is no mistaking a loved one's 'signature tune' - no mistakes are made.

As the soul learns to retrieve memories of how it was long ago, it rises upwards and ascends, learns how to levitate through the different time zones, planes of being.

All life is one. There can be no real separation, for whatever is a part of God, which is everything that is, has by that very aspect, to be also one with the soul.

The soul experiences yet again, stages of initiation, at times during its sleep state, others during day to day life, until it becomes so conscious of worlds within worlds, that it becomes an Initiate, and from then on, its journey home has really begun.

It is aware of the immortality of its soul and that which once was and will be again.

Death has no fear, it is only a transition from one stage to another - one which the soul has transcended a thousand times before.

Knowing it will live on, in better and more spiritual dimensions brings great comfort and well-being to the soul, and thus its note-sound on the ethers of light, vibrates with a beautiful pulsating essence; all the colours of the spectrum are there, as the soul ascends step by step back to The Father and its Origin, and is aware of the Immortality of its Soul.

8 July, 2012.


Divine Heart, Whispers of the Soul

Divine Heart, Whispers of the Soul

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

Divine Heart, whispers of the soul, speaks to us whilst we are far from home.

We hear thee oh beloved, your message rings pure and true.

Those sounds of divinity breathe your name upon the very breath we take. Thus does our soul sing joyously the song of the spheres, which resonates into the very depth of our being.

Our name is called upon angelic wings, carried to us by Hosts from on high who are as messengers between Divine eternal flames, whom we all know from aeons ago.

Divine Heart, whispers of our soul – we know you speak to us each day we are apart as the ether carries your beloved voice upon angelic hosts it is true, but our eternal divine heart of our very essence and being waits always there – day or night, for great is the love we share through eternal time.

Eternity blesses us as we rest in the Divine.

Divine Heart, whispers of the soul, how we long to be free of the confines of Earth, but realise we are not meant yet to leave, for much has to be done – to keep those promises we made to the Son.

The Spiritual Sun speaks to us sharing spiritual insights understood through time.

We just need to be aware, we are never apart, from that Divine Heart, whispers of the soul, whose beloved essence and presence we travel with through eternity.

22 September, 2012.


Dearest Beloved's, We Wait For Thee:

Dearest Beloved’s, We Wait For Thee:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.

Dearest Beloved’s, we wait for thee, whilst you sojourn once more back to the earth, till that time returns when, as a Drop in the Ocean of Infinity, we are reunited, having shared each other’s thoughts, happenings and experiences, you through the earth, and your beloved, once again in the Divine Spheres. Each of our time apart, constitutes one vast whole in the Plan of the Universe. 

We meet up each night whilst sleep, dreams and astral travelling is undergone, and that joy of our reunion is as The Sun – it is merely moments in time, before it happens again.