Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Forget-me-not my friend - I AM Archangel Michael

Forget-me-not my friend – I AM Archangel Michael

Forget-me-not my friend – I AM Archangel Michael, for as you know we go back to those very early days when we lived within the Radiance of the Spiritual Sun. Our lives then were very much entwined, for your Ray and Mine complimented each others’ beautifully; the blues were stunning and their vibrations and hues were adored by all.

Over the many aeons of time, as Earth life began very much later, the closeness we shared became a vague memory, but during your many dreams and higher astral travelling we have met again on a regular basis. This has brought you to where you are now my dear one – able to acknowledge that great love, bond and affinity we have shared. You as a Ray Child and I, with my own Legions of Light – we do indeed go back aeons to when the worlds were new and innocent.

Many more Archangels came into being long after the few of us from those far off days, until, today, we are vast in numbers; great is our pathway we have been given to assist all life, both divine, human, and all aspects of existence in all the many worlds and planes of being.

As you absorb and concentrate on my Blue Flame, and as I hold the Flame of Truth, Protection and Love aloft, it is there freely available with great love to all, for I am but a thought away, a prayer, a dream.

Each person has their own special relationship with me and my other Archangels, just as each person’s note sounds on the ether with their own unique vibration, so too is our personal love and connection, emotions - are there as the Earth’s energies are greatly enhanced, Gaia releases its bonds which have held the children of Earth behind those veils of rebirth.

Yes, dearest one, even Gaia now needs to set free its children, to enable her to ascend, as was always envisaged many aeons ago.

The Ray of Origin plays an important and essential part in a soul’s many incarnations as it journeys through space and time, through other spheres of being, as that vibration and blueprint has a major part to play in that soul’s incarnation.

Try and remember those times we so lovingly spent together so long ago as we were bathed in the Radiance of the Spiritual Sun; the Sun enveloped us in those Great Rays of the Creator, and we heard the Voice of the Godhead, talked and communicated with God The Father-Mother-Son, and you, as did others, listened and were made aware of your destiny as the aeons would unfold into future ages.

It is time now my beloved one to take up that mantle and to go forward in remembrance to that which was chosen by The Creator for you as a child of the Aquamarine Ray and Circle.

Hear in your day and night my words as I imprint them onto and into your consciousness, so that the roads ahead are not lonely for I walk by your side today as I have through the many centuries, and yes, into those very early years in our beloved Ancient Atlantis and Venus.

I AM Archangel Michael.

4 April, 2014.

CHANNELLINGS 2014 AND 2013, but for complete list see under Labels

Pat Grabham - Reiki & Akashic Master-Teacher & Spiritual Channeller:: Channellings 2014 and 2013: Channellings posted for 2014 and 2013 are clearly seen as a list. The Blog Archive shows my writings. However for a complete list of ...

Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Fallen Angel

The Fallen Angel - Channelled through Pat Grabham

Mekichievk was so unhappy for he had been very stupid and careless and had not carried out his duties to perfection as did all the other angels.

His face was without its customary warmth for he was feeling that he had failed himself and God and all his friends and loved ones in the angelic kingdom. He had cried to himself and had seemed to do so for a very long time; he was feeling so upset and felt all the other angels must be talking about him and his fall from grace.

He was really quite a young angel and it had been his task to assist his superior angel in charge of his particular group; he had to watch and wait and show great patience and see that no harm would come to the earth being under his charge, for he, just like earth people had to evolve upwards to yet more perfection, and this therefore, had been a test for him and he had failed.

At this thought he again felt tears come to his eyes and roll down his face; I am so ashamed he thought and so weak. His superior angel was called Naeroma and he had been under his wing for not that long really measured by earth time, and Naeroma had over this period of time given him valuable tasks to do, testing him, and he had it seemed passed all of them until now.

The problem was this last time he had to come into the atmosphere of Earth – nearer than he had ever been before, and the vibrations were much more darker than he was used to and so it had been quite a difficult task.

As he had drawn nearer to the Earth’s vibration, he had felt more and more unease for that Light of the spiritual realms seemed far behind him and even though he knew other spiritual beings were with him, just as in the actual moment of dying, he had felt it was only him.

He had come down and had observed and listened to what was happening and had seen his particular charge and this was a man by the name of Charles, and he had been with Charles as he had gone hither and thither, for he was a silent but powerful shadow of protection, at least that was what he had been meant to be.

Charles was a happy, jolly person and had lots of friends and was surrounded by gaiety. He was in his middle fifties and was quite heavily built with brown eyes and a healthy complexion. He had a loud voice with a hearty laugh and Mekichievk had thought how exciting to help to look after an earth being but as he realised more of what it entailed his fears, worries, and uncertainties had come to the front of his consciousness.

Naeroma had such a dazzling light and at different moments seemed to be bathed in different colours, and his eyes were a bright sparkling blue, and he had such a wonderful expression that he was dearly loved.

Naeroma had been an angel for a very very long time and although Mekichievk did not know too many details he knew enough to know that there was a long way he had to go.

All the different angels had a variety of tasks – some were involved with planets other than the Earth; some with different solar systems and so on and so on – some involved with the animal and vegetable kingdoms; so many different paths did the angelic beings walk in their chosen path of being God’s helpers and co-workers.

It was till today Mekichievk thought, a time of such happiness; yes there had been a few times when he knew he could have done better but they all said to him he was learning very well.

Everyone upon the Earth plane had a Guardian Angel who guarded and protected his or her charge. It was the Guardian Angel’s job and role in life to be always there whenever his or her charge was in need of help, love and protection, but these angelic beings did much more than guard and protect; they – depending on what role God had entrusted them with, had many different duties and the angelic kingdoms were beautiful beyond imagination – for light, colour, music, was the key note, and such was the love generated that when certain of the human beings came into their levels of vibration, they were overcome with joy and delight – for it was just like a dream that they had had in their far distant memory and so when they saw that their dreams were true they felt so elated and rejuvenated that great was the light they too gave forth – for Light gives back Light, inspiration – inspiration, and love – yet more love and so on.

Many Earth people mingled with the angelic beings unbeknown tough to their consciousness when sleep overcame their earth bodies and many met up with their Guardian Angels and angelic helpers, and many spiritual journeys and discussions took place to the delight and happiness of all, for the two worlds of Heaven and Earth were truly as one.
Naeroma had given Mekichievk the task of looking after Charles and being with him, not watching his every movement, for in but a fraction of a second the angelic beings could be anywhere in any particular dimension of time and as the Earth vibration was of a lower frequency – all could be seen in a kind of slow motion long before it actually happened on the Earth plane.

It so happened that Mekichievk was at that particular time extra close to the Earth; he knew his co-workers were with him but he felt alone for he knew this was his sole responsibility and how worried he was.

He was almost afraid to leave Charles unattended in that he looked at other things but when he knew that all the angelic beings did so many things all at the same time, he gradually became able to switch off as it were and carry on with his other duties of helping and listening, learning and growing.

Quite a lot of Earth time seemed to pass and still Mekichievk was looking after Charles.

All went well at first and perhaps in retrospect Mekichievk thought he had become complacent but he had not recognised that fact. Charles was often seeing this person or that and he used to enjoy a drink. Although Charles was usually good and did not drink much and drive, there came one particular time when Charles was feeling extra happy – he had had a good day at the office and the evening had been great fun. He had met a super young lady who had seemed to enjoy his company; she was in her early forties and was very attractive and smart, and Charles had a special fondness for blonds and Pamela was blond with blue eyes – quite sophisticated but was divorced and Charles had felt an expectation – who knew what the future would hold.

Pamela refused a lift but Charles was not worried for he had her telephone number and knew she came into this pub at least once a week; giving her a light kiss on the cheek and saying something outrageous which made her laugh and also his friends, Charles, with lots of laughter and talk walked to his waiting car.

He felt on a high somehow tonight, a feeling of anticipation, expectation was in the air and he felt the best he had in ages, for yes, he had had more than his fair share of relationships, good, bad and just indifferent.

Humming under his breath Charles started his car, which was a Rover, and within a few moments he was soon on his way home. He had not many miles to travel and knew this road like the back of his hand. His mind went over the day’s events, the laughter and expectancy of this evening and he fell into a kind of silent contemplation – his mind wandered and suddenly it came as a shock to him to see another car coming nearer than it should be and to his horror he realised he had steered his car a little too much into the on-coming lane and though with great shock he pulled on his brakes, it was too late and the car hit his car and he blacked out.

Little did he know the other car driver was ok but greatly concerned at his condition; the car was badly damaged and Charles died.

Amid all the commotion and noise his funeral took place and many people were there. The other car driver was in a state of shock for a long time, even though it was not his fault, but gradually life returned to its normal pattern for the Earth people.

But Mekichievk felt such guilt, had be been responsible for Charles’s death – what more could he have done?

After suffering for what seemed an eternity, Naeroma called Mekichievk and said that although Mekichievk had thought he had complete responsibility this was not really so, for Naeroma and other spiritual beings were fully aware of Charles’s state of mind, and although Mekichievk saw no one of his co-workers, they were there behind a veil; so Naeroma said to Mekichievk not to upset himself any more, for it was just this particular ending Charles was destined to have, for he had chosen it for reasons which were very deep and involved, and so although it was true that Mekichievk’s mind and attention had wandered he would have learnt a valuable lesson, and nothing that had not been ordained to happen – happened, for fate plays its hand in many ways Naeroma lovingly told Mekichievk, and so he must not be upset any more for he had not hurt anyone.

With that, Mekichievk’s face broke into such happiness and tears of joy came to his eyes, his dearly beloved Naeroma had forgiven him; he was with them all once more in happiness but sad that for Charles the end had come, but really Mekichievk thought Charles will be so happy here in the spirit realms and I know what I’ll do, I will go and wait near him so that when he wakes up after his sleep he will see me and truly believe in angels.

With that thought Mekichievk went happily on his way and waited, oh - so patiently for Charles to wake up - which eventually he did, and he was truly amazed and happy to see an angel by his side when opening his eyes.

Only then did Mekichievk truly feel that he was no longer the fallen angel, and that made him eternally grateful and happy, never again will I be so absent minded he thought, and indeed he was true to those thoughts - for many earth years later he had progressed greatly and was too a joy to behold, dazzling and beautiful and full of gold.


31st May, 1988.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Pat Grabham - Reiki & Akashic Master-Teacher & Spiritual Channeller:: Channellings 2014 and 2013

Pat Grabham - Reiki & Akashic Master-Teacher & Spiritual Channeller:: Channellings 2014 and 2013: Channellings posted for 2014 are clearly seen as a list. However to see writings for 2013, scroll down to the bottom of 2014, where ...